The PyCharm team has announced the release of its python IDE, PyCharm 2017.2.2, a day ago after one week of release candidate.
PyCharm 2017.2.2 fixed some issues on the create new project screen.
- An issue in the creation of Angular CLI projects
- Code insight and inspection fixes: “method may be static” issues, and misidentification of Python 3.7
- Django: Cache conflict with Jinja template project, and Ctrl+Click on widget templates
- Docker: Docker Compose environment variable issues
- JavaScript: go to declaration, go to implementation
- And much more, check out the release notes for details
Download / Install PyCharm in Ubuntu:
JetBrains offers the official Linux packages available for download at the link below:
It’s a non-install tarball, just extract and run the executable file to launch the IDE.
For app shortcut integration, there’s a PPA repository contains both community and professional editions for Ubuntu 17.04. The GetDeb repository also contains the community version for Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 17.04.
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