
How to Use the Linux less Command


The less command in Linux is a powerful tool used primarily for viewing the contents of a text file, one page (or screen) at a time. Unlike the more command, less allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement. This flexibility makes it a preferred choice for viewing large files.

Basic Usage

To open a file with less, type less followed by the file name:

less filename.txt

This command will open filename.txt in a scrollable text format.

  • Scrolling: Use the arrow keys to move up or down line by line. The space bar scrolls down a page, and b scrolls back a page.
  • Search: Type / followed by a search term and press Enter to search downwards. Use ? to search upwards.
  • Go to Line: Type g to go to the start of the file or G to go to the end. You can also go to a specific line by typing NG, where N is the line number.
  • Exit: Press q to exit less.


Viewing Large Log Files

less /var/log/syslog

This command is useful for inspecting large log files where you can scroll through the data and search for specific entries.

Checking Configuration Files

less /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Use less to examine configuration files. It’s safe and doesn’t risk accidental file modification.

Piping Output to less

dmesg | less

This is useful for commands that produce a lot of output. It allows you to view the output one page at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I edit files with less?

No, less is a viewer, not an editor. To edit files, use an editor like vim or nano.

How do I highlight search results in less?

After performing a search with / or ?less will highlight the matching terms. To cycle through search results, use n for the next match and N for the previous match.Ezoic

Can less handle binary files?

less can open binary files, but it’s not ideal for viewing them. For binary files, consider using a tool like hexdump.

How do I view multiple files with less?

You can open multiple files by listing them: less file1.txt file2.txt. Use :n to go to the next file and :p to go to the previous file.

Is it possible to customize less?Ezoic

Yes, less can be customized using various options and environment variables. For example, setting the LESS environment variable to -R enables interpretation of color escape sequences.

The less command, with its simple yet powerful features, is an indispensable tool for navigating through text data in Linux. Its ability to handle large files efficiently and user-friendly navigation options make it a go-to choice for system administrators and programmers.

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