Opera web browser for Linux finally reached the 39 stable release. It’s now based on Chromium 52.0.2743.116.
What’s new in Opera 39:
- ES2016 exponentiation operator
- Fetch API: Response construction with ReadableStream
- Fetch API: referrer policy
- 2D canvas filters
- createImageBitmap options
- Invalidvalues are no longer treated as subtitles
- Web Audio updates.
- See more in changelog page.
How to install Opera 39 in Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04:
The new release has been made into the official Opera for Linux repository, available for all current Ubuntu releases.
1. To add the repository, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb https://deb.opera.com/opera-stable/ stable non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera-stable.list'
2. Setup the key so Ubuntu trust the packages from that repository:
wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
3. To upgrade from a previous release, launch Software Updater and install the updates after checking for updates:
Or just run the commands below one by one to install / upgrade Opera stable:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install opera-stable
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